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Configuration Options

These are the available options for the zoom

See some examples of usage on our examples page

Option Default Value Desciption
responsive false Set to true to activate responsivenes. If you have a theme which changes size, or tablets which change orientation this is needed to be on. Possible Values: "True", "False"
scrollZoom false Set to true to activate zoom on mouse scroll. Possible Values: "True", "False"
imageCrossfade false Set to true to activate simultaneous crossfade of images on gallery change. Possible Values: "True", "False"
loadingIcon false Set to the url of the spinner icon to activate, e.g, Possible Values: "True", "False"
easing false Set to true to activate easing. Possible Values: "True", "False"
easingType zoomdefault

default easing type is easeOutExpo, (t==d) ? b+c : c * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * t/d) + 1) + b
Extend jquery with other easing types before initiating the plugin and pass the easing type as a string value.

easingDuration 2000  
lensSize 200 used when zoomType set to lens, when zoom type is set to window, then the lens size is auto calculated
zoomWindowWidth 400 Width of the zoomWindow (Note: zoomType must be "window")
zoomWindowHeight 400 Height of the zoomWindow (Note: zoomType must be "window")
zoomWindowOffetx 0 x-axis offset of the zoom window
zoomWindowOffety 0 y-axis offset of the zoom window
zoomWindowPosition 1 Once positioned, use zoomWindowOffsetx and zoomWindowOffsety to adjust
Possible values: 1-16
lensFadeIn false Set as a number e.g 200 for speed of Lens fadeIn
lensFadeOut false Set as a number e.g 200 for speed of Lens fadeOut
zoomWindowFadeIn false Set as a number e.g 200 for speed of Window fadeIn
zoomWindowFadeOut false Set as a number e.g 200 for speed of Window fadeOut
zoomTintFadeIn false Set as a number e.g 200 for speed of Tint fadeIn
zoomTintFadeOut false Set as a number e.g 200 for speed of Tint fadeOut
borderSize 4 Border Size of the ZoomBox - Must be set here as border taken into account for plugin calculations
zoomLens true set to false to hide the Lens
borderColour #888 Border Colour
lensBorder 1 Width in pixels of the lens border
lensShape square can also be round (note that only modern browsers support round, will default to square in older browsers)
zoomType window Possible Values: Lens, Window, Inner
containLensZoom false for use with the Lens Zoom Type. This makes sure the lens does not fall outside the outside of the image
lensColour white colour of the lens background


used in combination with lensColour to make the lens see through. When using tint, this is overrided to 0
lenszoom false  
tint false enable a tint overlay, other options: true
tintColour #333 colour of the tint, can be #hex, word (red, blue), or rgb(x, x, x)
tintOpacity 0.4 opacity of the tint
gallery null This assigns a set of gallery links to the zoom image
cursor default The default cursor is usually the arrow, if using a lightbox, then set the cursor to pointer so it looks clickable - Options are default, cursor, crosshair